Thursday, June 4, 2015

Wool, needles, hands

 It always amazes me how we switch from one crafty pursuit to another whenever we discover another most cases for everyone I think,  via that most dangerous of places-Pinterest!

I've always loved crocheting over knitting and this year is no different. I got tired of making the same things over and  over, and there's only so many blankets you can have in the lounge/bedrooms! So I started scouring  YouTube and Pinterest, of course, for different afghan patterns...easy ones of course! So here are few links to stunningly different, but fairly simple afghans. 

1. Wool eater

2. Granny ripple
I can't locate the site where this pattern is published, but it's so easy and brings a welcome change to the traditional granny square.

My ripple afghan for my daughter.

3. Diagonal crochet 
Diagonal crochet or simply C2C (corner to corner) is a lovely variation and easier than it looks! There are so many tutorials on how to do this stitch, but this YouTube clip is by far my favourite! She's Australian, so the terminology is UK and not USA.

4. Entrelac crochet
This had always looked interesting, but the various patterns I've looked at were very confusing. Until I watched  this video!  This pattern us so much fun and so much easier than it looks.
The blanket I'm busy with at the moment.

Especially for all my southern hemisphere friends as we rapidly enter the heart of winter. Nothing like an afghan-on-the-go on your lap to keep you warm!

Keep crafting


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