Sunday, October 28, 2012


Greetings fellow crafty and arty people! It's been two of those weeks! A comment I picked up about a year ago, sums it up perfectly: I feel like I'm in the spin cycle of the washing machine and instead of opening the machine when finished, it gets turned back on!

I did manage to play with the camera though...I got this beautiful spider web actoss the verander (I'm still playing with close-ups) and our home beach of Fish Hoek with the Lifesaving Club in the centre.
Early morning spider web

Fish Hoek Beach from the mountain

Monday was a momentus day in our house, the youngest gannet reaches double figures and turns 10! She's so excited and has been talking about it since March-I kid you not! As a pre-birthday treat (which couln't have happened at a better time) there was a school outing to the Two Oceans Aquarium on Friday night....a group of 40 grade 4,5,6 learners got dropped off at the Aquarium at 7pm (after it was closed). They went on a private tour, had supper, did some crafts, watched a movie - Shark Tale - and then went to sleep in their sleeping bags in the Shark Tank room! What an awesome experience! 

The party on Saturday was a blast! There were 11 ten year old all dressed up and ready to party! I had a photo booth in the lounge with all the wigs, hats, masks etc from the dress-up suitcase which everyone loved!  

Dancing the "Boogie woogie"

Pleading "Puppy dog faces".....please can we swim!

Michaela (2nd from left) and friends in the photo booth

The Muffin tower birthday cake!

My attempt at The DIva's took a while to complete, but I enjoyed it never-the-less. I tried a few new tangles (as I've promised myself I would). I love the ideas that a few people had of using Hollibaugh as the lines...very clever!

Challenge 92: Tangles from L-R...Huggins, Snaylz Trayl, Zander, 'Nzeppel, Catapilla Leg

And that's me for this week! Have a great week everyone



  1. very nice! really love the centre area where you have used zander.

  2. the pattern to the far right - love it!

  3. Great tile you made. Looks like waves in a Aquarium. ;-) My best wishes for the birthday of your daughter, hope her party will be great.

  4. Perfect matching of size, design and pattern!

  5. Your stipes are a bit like waves. I love your choise of tangles.
